
This is the site on the internet that brought being rad to the digital age, finally.

Flatliner– a webcomic I ran from 2002-2006. Updates 4 days a week through December, when all of the acceptable strips will have been re-posted. M/T/W/T

The Hero’s Gurnal– Various past writing exercises. Starting with “No Strings Attached,” a television screenplay about puppets. Will be followed by “Cold Justice,” a comic book story about a desperate, poor vigilante. M/F

Island Life 102– Advanced tips and tricks (and villager gossip) for seasoned Animal Crossing New Horizons players that the game doesn’t want you to know. S/T/T/S

Stream– Currently streaming Wind Waker HD on Saturdays (and some sundays). Daily early morning SSBU (around 5:30 AM)

Tweets– My preferred social network where I say things sometimes.

Bonus Content– Bits and pieces of ideas that don’t have enough material to make them stand out on their own.

Please don’t email me at jason@kittensharks.org unless you want to.