This is the site on the internet that brought being rad to the digital age, finally.
Flatliner– a webcomic I ran from 2002-2006. Updates 4 days a week through December, when all of the acceptable strips will have been re-posted. M/T/W/T
The Hero’s Gurnal– Various past writing exercises. Starting with “No Strings Attached,” a television screenplay about puppets. Will be followed by “Cold Justice,” a comic book story about a desperate, poor vigilante. M/F
Island Life 102– Advanced tips and tricks (and villager gossip) for seasoned Animal Crossing New Horizons players that the game doesn’t want you to know. S/T/T/S
Stream– Currently streaming Wind Waker HD on Saturdays (and some sundays). Daily early morning SSBU (around 5:30 AM)
Tweets– My preferred social network where I say things sometimes.
Bonus Content– Bits and pieces of ideas that don’t have enough material to make them stand out on their own.
Please don’t email me at unless you want to.