The whole point of what is here is just a prolonged setup to a single-beat joke. This is all confidence-building, leading to an abrupt turnaround. Marty insists that he’s immune to hangovers. He is, in a sense, but not in any way that would ever be helpful to him.
It does actually improve upon it with the schedule at which I’m posting the pages. This scene should play out just long enough that we accept what Marty says as accurate. He double-fisted whiskey at a disgusting pace and woke up feeling absolutely terrific. The world seems to be warping itself to align with the good vibe Marty wants to put out.
If only we could all slam what is effectively a bottle of whiskey by ourselves and be this way the next morning! Anyway, I feel like we see Marty go to bed another time before this episode comes to a close. I really don’t remember a ton of what’s coming in the remaining pages, so it ought to be interesting.