The cold open continues. Marty exhibits a confident, casual prejudice in an environment where it isn’t taken lightly. It would be a few years still before I’d understand Reddit, which is an evil place full of Martys running around.
Marty is supposed to grow over time, but it’s not a quick journey for him. He is deeply troubled, and as we will see later a completely enthusiastic alcoholic. He is proud of the damage he is doing to himself. I can relate.
This whole thing was written in 2014 for almost no good reason except that I was bored and had limited ways to preoccupy myself for a while. It stands as something I’ve written that I didn’t completely hate five seconds after saving the most recent draft.
I told my friend that a character was based on her, then forgot about it and made the character remarkably more stupid. More on that when the character appears. Sorry, Amy, you’re much smarter than your puppet-world counterpart.