Flynn’s words are very specific. He is not “getting on in years” and losing his cognitive senses. He includes an adjective each time he notes Marty’s presence. He’s been a good employee for the last three years. He’s been the most loyal employee for four years. It sounds like an oversight and I’m covering it up to hide a glaring error. It’s more likely the former, as that is exactly what happened.
Even so, that would have given a nice timeline for an origin story. Too bad this project is dead and it will never see the light of day. Actually it’s probably my most beloved original creation because I haven’t run it into the ground, covering every little possibility in my head. I wrote this, enjoyed writing it, and slipped it out the door never to be paid attention to again until now. There’s a lesson to be learned here. If only I were capable of learning…
I think we’re setting up Marty with some long term motivation to get his shit together, get promoted, and level up as an adult. He needs something that drives him just slightly more than the crush he sees once every two weeks if he’s lucky, so I dangled a promotion in front of him. Ultimately, the promotion was to be usurped by Chip during his tenure at the Sandwich Shop. We will not see that in this script.
My memory of the next scenes is pretty hazy. I’m hoping that I enjoy them.