I think “Mrs. Ass. Man.” might be the closest thing to an actual dirty joke I included anywhere in this script. It’s just a minor note in a relatively colorful fantasy of Marty’s. Was I deliberately making a talking heads reference using the phrase “beautiful wife?” Probably not.
Before we get to that, we have Marty arguing with his own mirror image. That mirror image is a lot smarter and more grounded in reality than he is, and he throws its advice away immediately in favor of the instant gratification of drinking himself into oblivion.
Is Marty a manifestation of who I was in 2014 clawing its way to the surface?
Yes. Am I going to do exactly what Marty does here and gloss over that, telling myself that my own unrelated struggles years down the line are not the same thing?
Also yes. Double yes. To the moon and back.