Act three, and the month of October are starting off with just a bummer of a page. There’s no humor, no jokes, not even an attempt. We’re just moving the story along like we’re god damned losers or something.
What is pulling off is reminding me of the general awfulness of the minimum wage world. Flynn is dangling a meaningless promotion over Marty that he’s never going to get. I’m not sure why I did that. Flynn is supposed to be a delightful old man, not some sweaty dude bullying the young people who work at Best Buy desperate to keep their health insurance.
When I wrote this I was only very recently out of that world. I was still grotesquely underpaid where I was, but there were a few morsels of dignity that I never would have found, even with all the resources of the mythical Geek Squad at my disposal. Best Buy can go fuck itself, for the record. They do a mental number on their employees that makes the Cirque du Soleil people look like clumsy assholes.
Note: I’m not going to go back and figure out the spelling or accent marks for Cirque du Soleil. No disrespect to those friggen weirdos.