This is a pretty wild ride for a single page of script. We flash back to a young Marty being abused by his manic ventriloquist father. We cut back to present day and Todd has to distance himself from Marty while still getting blamed for Marty’s nonsense, and we get our first glimpse of Flynn’s sandwich shop.
I love that Randall is just straight up gleeful in the terrorizing of his son. He’s not doing it to make his son behave a certain way, he’s not doing it to get anything. He’s just that much of an asshole that this is fun for him. This might be the last we see of Randall in the one episode. Now that I’ve said that, I’m sure that in a page or two I will prove myself wrong, as is the way here.
The sandwich shop is in absolute disarray. I imagine this being extremely cartoon-like. The “no ketchup” in ketchup lettering I particularly enjoy.