Mandy takes everyone at their word, so Marty is actually a mailbox as far as she’s concerned. In this reality, it’s not super far-fetched since every puppet has Pinocchio syndrome. Who is to say that someone hadn’t vandalized a mailbox or two with googly eyes, qualifying them as puppets? I played fast and loose with the rules on this because an opportunity to do something completely off the wall might happen at any time.
Todd needs something to him as more than a straight man to Marty’s chaotic vibe. Not right away, this was written as a TV show. It’s far more important to ask why I thought I needed to write this. I know the answer- and that is that without a creative outlet, I would die. That’s the whole purpose of this site, honestly. I know that absolutely no one reads it, but making it quells the urge just a little bit. We can count playing Smash Bros as creative output, right?
Well, it’s October for you. I’m so far ahead on this thing that it’s August for me. Maybe I’ll find some kind of audience before then. Hah!