As has become the custom here on Rad Internet Site, I have immediately disproven myself and would have been better off if I’d just read ahead. Also I wrote this stuff, shouldn’t I remember? Well, I don’t.
Literally the first line of this page contradicts what I was mentioning in the last post. I guess the people of this society did figure out when and where the ground-zero was for puppet sentience, but couldn’t quite figure out the why. It’s not supposed to be mportant, and I feel relatively more sure that I did not dig into that At least not yet or anywhere in this script.
It isn’t the Marty thing where Susie as a lonely young child is a loser. I mean, she might be a loser but that’s not why her birthday wish came true.
I can’t say for sure what made me decide that Todd is African American, but there it is. Todd is Marty’s opposite in a lot of ways. He’s successful, calm, and reacts to things like a well adjusted person.
There’s a chance that I wanted to show that Marty isn’t truly racist, but there’s a much better chance that I was just referencing the Flatliner character Todd who appeared briefly as my counterpart’s replacement when I turned 20 and we lied to people that Flatliner had Menudo rules. Twenty, huh? We were so young.
Flynn’s being the name of the sandwich shop is inarguably an homage to Tron. I don’t have any missing memories on that one.