Flynn drops the bomb on Marty that he’s up for a promotion. He’s probably in danger of going up a tax bracket if he starts making more than minimum wage. If he were not so thoroughly engrossed in how much he loves his job, he would need to talk to his accountant to make sure it would make sense.
His accountant is likely Todd, who would begrudgingly advise Marty to take the job without doing any math, as he is not an accountant and also it’s something like 50 cents per hour over minimum wage.
As I mentioned in a previous post, this position is not going to Marty, though it won’t be covered in this script anywhere. The plan was for Marty to become a reluctant coworker of, roommate with, and eventually a subordinate to Chip. The Perfect Strangers energy remains strong- the goal was to put the two characters together and their lives would actually move forward, which still cramming formula into every story.
I actually laughed out loud a little bit when I re-read the “I’m poor now.” part. I wish I’d thought to mention that the t-shirt is stained. Too bad that computers don’t work like that and you can’t go back and change your documents ever.