Folks in a town that was quite remote

Ah yes, that time where I came dangerously close to pulling a Tarantino. The setup here is for the anti-delivery (thank God).

Marty’s genius plan involves doing absolutely nothing and living with the consequences of his actions, and he comes off looking worse for that. His repulsiveness is shining here. Did I think anyone would come back and root for him? I can’t be sure.

We get a healthy dosage of slurs for puppets on this page, though there was no shortage of them on any of the previous pages, either.

My personal fondness for puppets grows consistently, though I think I strongly prefer to see them on screen more than I do in person. In person the only reassurance a puppet can offer is that you are not the weirdest thing in that room. Puppets are by their very nature incredibly weird. My cats certainly want to kill one when they see one. Arguably, they are cats and want to kill most things, but the fact remains.


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