This may have been intended as the opening credits sequence that explained the whole concept, like an early 90’s cartoon that aired after school. You know, in case you were new to whatever animal was becoming a robot version of whichever appliance you weren’t allowed to touch because you were seven years old at the time.
I guess the characters maybe don’t know about the birthday wish, but the audience does. We get a little look into Marty’s prejudice, but he is prejudiced and growing past that is the main crux of what is intended to happen here.
I love that I named Marty’s father THE AMAZING RANDALL. There’s no way I did not intend for that to be a quiet homage to the greatest character in cinematic history- The Amazing Larry in Pee Wee’s Big Adventure. The script does not actually call for Randall to be Marty’s father, but he definitely was supposed to be. I have no idea if I intended for Randall to be anything more than a menacing flashback for Marty or not. (Probably yes.)