I assume the Flatliner name for this store would be BS Books. Note that it is possible that Zelda is listening to those headphones the whole time and the 7-Up can is talking, per precedent set in The Cancelled Years. Our new character discovered in 2022 lives on!

I forgot that date one with the ex was Valentine’s Day. I don’t know if that contributes in any way to my blanket dislike of all holidays. It certainly moves what may have been a neutral holiday into the bad category. Hah, it probably does!

Actually, in my day there were no freaking medals for defeating the monsters in Dragon Warrior III. Also, I’ll probably be streaming the remake when it launches. Life is circular.

Zelda makes a bloody final showing
If you print this strip and burn it you’ll hear unearthly sounds
The ex appears. The end is Bill Nye the Science Guy


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