The panning-even-further to the right shows that there is a door there, or at least that one has been added since it was revealed that this living room is just a stage in the middle of the desert several hundred strips ago. In real time that was a full two years. In 2022 time, it was like three months ago.
The bodies have apparently been literally piling up to the left of the door, as well. It took everything I had not to make maps of these fictional-but-sort-of-not locales during the original run. I’m proud of myself for having not done that. I fully acknowledge that for the low bar that it is.
I wonder what time paradox we were eventually going to cover with Harvest both driving the car and throwing his own corpse at it. There was probably a more ambitious story to worry about there. Thankfully it will never be addressed.
I think the last Jason line came from the same discussion about “your hell or mine” from a previous strip. I know that these lines worked great as a punchline but I feel like I was being cruel to my friend. 2004 Jason is awful. 2022 Jason is rarely even called Jason anymore. It’s for the best.