A pair of edits, and a skip- though to be fair that new skip is only because it is incomprehensible. It may have worked for a week in ’04 but it’s certainly lost to the ages today.
Harvest is smoking a pipe in that first strip but I believe Zelda is soon to out-do him with a bubble pipe in a space helmet if I recall correctly.
The cat costume is an obvious disguise- it’s the wrong color. Harvest should have known that a gray cat was driving him to work and not a black cat.
As I write this I’m fresh off having rewatched a 90’s Roland Emmerich film just last night. I might love his trash movies much more now than I did when Flatliner was happening. The rest of the stuff on that list, I don’t remember. I still hate Unbreakable, though. Boring, overrated garbage. I did recently laugh at Old, though.