It’s a pair of Gina’s comics today followed by a grand Ian comeback. There’s a much needed payoff for the long running physical abuse thing. I doubt that’s the end of it because nothing ever ended in Flatliner, but there it is.
Torey-chan was sort of a real person. She was Dave’s sister. We may have met her for all of sixty seconds one time when we briefly lived with him. Harvest let that pretend crush ride from there off into the sunset. He probably talks about Torey-chan to his wife now.
We probably hadn’t seen Ian in like a whole semester because he was either in college a great distance away or Boston which is a place I like to avoid and might as well be a great distance away. That truth about Boston holds up more now that I am an awful Cape Codder. Fortunately there is a lot more Ian for a precious few months when he’s not living in the midwest like some sort of psychopath.