I guess the Prom Kings storyline continues? I mean, it didn’t start in the Prom Kings chapter, and doesn’t play out in any way that would be appropriate for naming a chapter after it, but it does go on, and it is accurate. I, being a too-old-to-be-getting-taken-to-high-school-dances-20-years-old found myself at a high school dance and I don’t remember who the offender or offendee was in this ex-boyfriend-showing-up-scenario. I have replaced them in my memory with entirely different people. If I recall correctly the afterparty for this dance was me drinking rum with the girl’s parents and watching Gone with the Wind, which of course would have made for a much better strip.
Dense Jason trying to make plans is a great bit. The narration is still fun. This time in my life is suddenly very bright and glowing with what was going on- something I can’t say for a lot of what happened during these years or the fifteen years I spent after Flatliner being hammered. That isn’t supposed to sound sad. At least I didn’t go to a dance to try and win an ex back.
We get an origin story for the Zelda-as-stalker bit. Seems right. The doors are a particular focus for me. They were used for many purposes throughout Flatliner, but they are entirely fictional. The real life equivalent to TS Toys’ only entrance was an open entrance into a terrible mall, where Harvest’s real world cell phone accessory booth lived. I’ll state for a second time that it’s good that I never drew up maps of these locations, real or fictional.