I’d wager a guess and say “Mandela effect for Flatliner” was never going to be on my bingo card for this ride. I guess it was “Tooled!” and not “Fooled!” though I suppose they both work in that one didn’t happen and one isn’t a thing. Tooled. Tooled? Were people saying that? Was it some kind of slang at the time? Lost to the ages, is what it is.
Keeping with the running theme, goodbye to the most homophobic strip of the entire run so far, but come-on-through for the most “Harvest abuses his girlfriend” strip thus far. How I drew this line I’m not entirely sure but here I am.
Did Ryan do a lot of drugs? Was I missing out on some good pills or something? I’m not great with subtlety and I’m starting to think he lived in a much-blessed altered state, seeing his strips in the rapid fire way which I am now doing.