Flatliner skews a little closer to reality and brings in Adam. It also tells the true story of Rebecca Hill. Rebecca, the dead character who gets more mileage than any of the alive characters somehow, rolls down a hill in a construction barrel.
This is based on a real life thing that happened in Plymouth, Massachusetts around the time. Some dumbass actually did roll down the very steep hill situated across from Plymouth Rock in one of those barrels and nearly died. Said dumbass was my direct supervisor at my job at the time. People still refer to that hill as being named after him, even though it does have a more historical “on-purpose” name.
I think this Boat Trip thing is a red herring, but I’ve been wrong every time I’ve tried to remember something about this strip. For all I know there’s a whole pocket dimension folder full of strips about this Boat Trip. We’ll see what tomorrow brings.