Straight back to hell with us

Our second, and most assuredly not final afterlife story arc gets up and going. I seem to recall at some point later I think Ian becomes a rebellion leader in purgatory? Amazing to think that at this point I wasn’t experimenting with drugs or alcohol. Trust me, I SHOULD have been, instead of dumping quarters into DDR, but we all make mistakes in our youth.

I’m coming off of a day of brain-addled malaise after a COVID booster. It makes me wonder how these characters, these barely exaggerated versions of ourselves would have handled the pandemic. I don’t think Harvest would have had it in him at 18 to follow the protocols, and I don’t think I would have had it in me to leave the house. I’ve spent the last two years frankly being shocked at how poorly the average person reacted to the pandemic. I haven’t changed much, I suppose.

I did one additional edit in these three strips. A comment bordering on racist, but weirdly I think would make it into some modern comedy efforts. I suppose I shouldn’t point out each one, but it’s not like I’m going to take the time to match up a new font to a 20 year old strip. You can imagine what was said.

I think this was based on a real sledding event, not that I was present for, but Harvest was injured.
I think we were both at least six months removed from Brigham’s employment at this point, but there’s our old boss still being the devil.
This is just embarrassing, without even taking into account the removed offensive remark.


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