Still lookin’ like that

Welcome back, me. Not you, me. I’ve gotten myself so into the habit of this daily review that instead of taking a break with posting the comics, I’m just a week ahead. Hope last week turned out good, future me. If you can find a way to let me know then we can probably adjust what’s coming for the better either way.

I think about this Toy Store, and how we hid Attack of the Clones figures in the ceiling. It was one location in a chain, and we took on the inventory of four other stores while shutting down. Those figures definitely sat up there unnoticed for at least a decade after the fact.

I’d later have an employer who wanted to disguise ourselves as electricians to get up there and recover them when I told him about them. We never did, and it’s a huge regret. As someone who grew up watching a lot of sitcoms, I thought I’d have to disguise myself as an electrician far more often that I actually do.

In the first strip we have Mitch’s debut appearance, and it was a chance Zoom run-in with Mitch that was the greatest catalyst for me to start this whole project. This is the guy to blame, right here. Actually, don’t blame him. He’s thus far the most reasonable person we’ve depicted up until this point.

Harvest’s Theory of Social Activity- For every action, there is an immediate overreaction.
I believe this happened at Harvest’s better, non cell phone accessory-related job. We don’t cover that much in the strip.
This one belongs in chapter one, lack-of-humor wise. I shouldn’t have arbitrarily broken the archive down like I did.


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