It’s amazing how little has changed in twenty years. I actually don’t remember which fruit my current Animal Crossing Island started with, and I am yet to find a Master Sword, though I don’t think that would fit the with vibe they’re going for over there. My love for this game series came with the first Animal Crossing on GameCube. It was the perfect answer to the boring existence I was living in Vermont- a slightly more colorful and less boring existence in a pretend forest, with slightly more engrossing social interactions. (Bob always seemed to borrow Aziz’s Game Boy for just a little too long.)
Harvest, if nothing else, was a bleeder. He bled all the time. That guy could injure himself in ways that you and I or most normal people would not have deemed possible. It was never quite an accident, but it was never something that someone would do on purpose. It was kind of endearing much much later.
And there we are- open hostility towards two other webcomics. There’s the shot at the one, much more well known comic and one I don’t remember at all. Penny Arcade got their comeuppance in the long run, though- my now ex-wife crop-dusted Tycho at Pax East 2011. She had no idea who he was or why it was slightly more funny to our little circle. She was also a death knell for the strip itself. You’ll see if you stick with me to the end- a character inspired by her appears in the final strip, and then I’d spend the next fifteen years not doing MS Paint shitposting (on this scale).