Ryan wins the day again. I love that his strips are often demonstrative and full of information, usually to prove next to nothing of a point. He had maybe enough of distaste for negative space that you might say it was a vendetta.
There’s nothing new in the sledding comic. Sledding has at this point in Flatliner already lead to our non-first premature deaths, but Harvest loved it. He loved it above all other things. I’m reasonably certain that the reason he is running around with some non-zero number of children these days is that having them would be an excuse to continue sledding without having to worry about aging out of the activity.
Does the art look weird in the last strip? It’s hard to ever tell that in Flatliner. As usual an appearance of Jon can only lead to Jon/Harvest coupling. There’s more context to this that isn’t shown in the strip. We rightfully assumed anyone who read this knew the inner workings of our whole lives. Gina fully takes the reins of her character at some point down the line, hopefully soon.