For an exact idea when these strips were being released, remember that Hellboy was new, and in theaters. We were living in that bizarre pre-MCU phase where there were a billion comic book movies and exactly zero of them hold up as good in either a legitimate or just-fun way. Do we think at some point we will have culturally soured on the MCU, or is it just Star Wars now, and I’m the only one who will tire of it, while the internet screams on forever?
There is a strip somewhere in the archive- I weirdly don’t think it has passed by on Rad Internet Site, but it also references SotN. It’s the only strip to feature our friend Dan, who I reunited with to play Guild Wars for some time after the strip ended, along with his young ward and my now ex-wife. Those were absolutely great times. I’d love to sink into an MMO like that again. I just don’t see one coming.
So we’ve passed the point where I did the dramatic post-high-school haircut. Jess was the only one who wanted to redraw me and put it in the strip. I didn’t, as the redesign I had done in year 2 was not met well by Harvest or our sole reader, Dana. But bless her for doing that. I just wish I could remember who the second newcomer was supposed to be.
Two strips coming at you tomorrow, then it’s on to Chapter 4 starting the 19th!