I had forgotten entirely about this. I believe Ian made an animation that he had published elsewhere that included exactly what was described. Actually, I’m here for the idea that there would be a show where the Power Rangers saved the world from all the monsters, but still had their gear and abilities with nothing to do. I would watch the hell out of that.
I genuinely laughed out loud just now when reading the phrase “prance around in their thrift store jean jackets.” Meanwhile, Harvest put in considerable effort coming up with a one time us background. I think it’s one time, anyway. I continue to surprise myself as more and more callbacks became the backbone of this whole thing.
I noted this morning while going through things that this is the 40th entry on this site. Aside from the first time post and two bonus strips, that makes 37 Flatliner entries- or 111 strips. (112 if you count the one that was too bad to edit). I guess I should have paid attention to when we passed the 100 mark. Also I guess I should learn how many comics there were in total so that I know when I need to start getting some other stuff ready. That’s not today’s problem, though.