When Emo music was a thing, my first impression of what exactly it was did not match up to whatever it was that most people thought it was. I don’t know the specifics of the genre, never have. I thought it was sad boys with acoustic guitars who desperately needed a personality. Apparently there’s more to it than that. The guitars don’t have to be acoustic or something, I don’t know. That or it was never a genre and just something people labeled the pop music of 2003.
I see the upper limits of my Microsoft Image Composer ability showing through in the Cuba comic. Those green outlines around the jets bother me to this day. Not enough that I’ll think about them again any time soon, but enough.
At some point the site that I created to host Flatliner also hosted a few other webcomics that I was enjoying, simply because it cost me nothing extra to do and it was something I could do that would help the creators of these strips. I should have encouraged Matt and Reilly to make a spinoff. A Flatliner universe story about well-adjusted people might have been interesting.