Ryan’s afterlife offshoot continues, while this other, far more confusing offshoot gets skipped again. It’s weird. I have the vaguest fleeting memories of this thing that features none of the Flatliner characters but is very much in the Flatliner style and I can’t remember who or what the hell they are. No disrespect to them, they contributed to the strip several times. I just don’t know them.
It’s like it’s The Tortellis of Flatliner, if you wanted me to explain the situation to literally only me. Except in this case the titular Tortellis didn’t spin off from Cheers at all and you’re supposed to root for these characters you don’t know at all? I’m down with this situation if Flatliner is Cheers, those strips are The Tortellis and Rad Internet Site is my Frasier moment. Am I Frasiering? Is that even a good thing?