I want to beat my younger self up.

In 2002 my hobbies were playing The Legend of Zelda and DDR. But now I am a hundred years old and DDR no longer exists, or at least thankfully has gone so far out of style that I don’t see it anywhere anymore.

This post will arrive only three days into this endeavor. I originally thought I’d only post looking back once a week, but it’s quickly dawning on me that I want to get through at least this first part sooner rather than later. I will probably also have a few more strips ready to go on Thursday- though I think there’s another redaction coming up. Amazing how your sensitivities can change over time, or rather by just not being a POS teenager. There’s a reason so many supervillains clench their fists and yell “teenagers!” when their plans go awry.

I want to say this is the last appearance of Ganondorf, but also we never let a single thing die forever in this comic. We ran everything mercilessly into the ground with no regrets.
I’m pretty sure my diet of 100% sugar and caffeine throughout my first twenty years on this planet contributed to my unhealthy love of all things bright and flashing. This made DDR both an inevitable and unfortunate pastime when it arrived at our local arcade. The most annoying, bright, and flashy song of 3rd Mix was a favorite of mine.
An overly complex, nonsensical scheme to get myself out of a straightforward situation is either incredibly on-brand for me, or one of the many sitcom characters I have confused myself for throughout my own life.


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