I do a week’s worth of posts before 9 AM than most people do all day. I also in 2004 did more lazy comics before Noon AM than most people did ever. I did not get up as early as I do now back then.
Gina was never “caught up” the way I was with Harvest’s chaotic personality. She was always learning new stuff because she met him after high school and I met him in 9th grade. He could say something that sounded mouth-frothing-ly insane to most people and it would roll off my shoulders like it was a completely normal statement. I probably did the same to him on many occasions.
I love the third strip. That is me recycling one of the best strips ever but pasting over this new character, Rick, on top of the old strip. Rick was a dedicated Flatliner reader who I had never met before I got a job where he was my coworker. He was pumped to meet me, and also to be featured in the strip eventually. I gave him this, which was cruel. Also, I didn’t even draw the monstrous person to be him originally. It’s a reworking of a single frame I drew for Tetris the Movie 3 in MS Paint. I don’t know if he knew that.