Highly specific hobbies

Of all the details in Zelda’s first No Elf Rape strip I love the 7-up can most. I believe the can continues to appear in additional strips, as will famously Becky. Becky has the distinction of being the longest running character who is based on a real person that I never met. Also she has the most canon in-character demise in Chapter 4.

I think I’ve already covered DDR here, how it was an obsession with us for a while and then just as quickly not. The fact that I went out of my way to create a DDR machine in this art style shows that it was at its absolute peak here. Thank god.

Buttercups AND daisies
Just a single frame from real life. If only I had been a drinker when I was a DDR player- then I would have been cool.
At this point there was only speculation as to what a terrible thing an anime con would be like


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