Hell Hath No Ending Eve

Censorships numbers 4 and 5! In the same strip, to boot! This is more like what I was remembering. I don’t mind dirty jokes or obscenities, especially when they’re looking back on when I was an idiot teenager, but the R word has now been removed 3 times just in this first “chapter.”

I also changed a line here not due to content, but due to spelling. Harvest had one favorite activity, and he never learned to spell its name. Then I couldn’t fit the correct spelling into Canva after a whopping six seconds of trying.

I believe the last couch strip of the chapter is here, and the chapter itself should end Tuesday. The last strip today probably marks a time 20 years ago when I couldn’t take a hint that maybe my heart was in this more than Harvest’s was?

I’m contemplating revisiting some other old stuff between chapters. Maybe I’ll post some truly obscure stuff for the rest of the week when the chapter ends? Believe or not, I’ve worked on lesser-seen projects, even if they are rightfully lesser-seen.

So far, our most censored strip! Let’s celebrate.
My trips back home were frequent, and of great disappointment to everyone both in Vermont and Massachusetts
Maybe I WAS the ONLY one not doing drugs in high school.


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