I love the first strip. It’s so Harvest, it’s so Gina, it’s also very Ian. Hell, it’s probably very Lanny, too. In fact, I think he’d make that “refreshing” comment exactly were he put in the situation. Great job, everyone! (I was asleep.)
Todd and the Gnome appear, playing an essential part to the story. This is a pretty artistic connecting of the dots, here. The Gnome harkens all the way back to Chapter 1. We’ve even replaced who the devil is at this point, so it’s a pretty deep cut. We’re also going on nearly exactly two years since the gnome appeared in the strip.
I may have actually missed a whole month so great job on the meta-commentary, past me. It’s definitely my first strip in a while. I wonder what I was doing in that time (nothing good, that much we know.)