Ah 2005. The films, the fun, the fashion. Remember when it was trendy for young women to wear shirts that said rude phrases in fancy letters, like “bite me” and other Bart Simpson classics? Me neither. I wish I hadn’t been making that up.
I remember being told that Sideways was a “hilarious comedy” and it was not. It seemed to be a calculated effort to be the exact opposite of both of those words. I’m going to stand by that and I’m sure as hell not giving it a rewatch.
Real life VS Video was bragging about ending their ridiculous late fee structure a whole lot when I worked there. It was a see-through paper thin move of just renaming Late Fees something else. They were a bad company and it’s good that Netflix killed them and now Netflix is as boring those stores were by comparison. This is proof of progress, or time moving forward, or the existence of an uncaring God or something.
And of course, #404. If my chopping arm weren’t so tired from the start of this chapter it would have been skipped for lack of originality. That would’ve been unfair to the 403 preceding strips that were also lacking originality, so it stays.