Copyright someone else

The last time I paid any attention at all to the Resident Evil series was around when RE4 was released. Well, unless I refer to someone as a “resident evil” but that has never happened. It might, now. This is a pretty good take on exactly what playing that game was like. So many QTEs. Remember those? Anyway, remove 12 sword guys from SSBU and give me any Resident Evil character in their place. Any of them. Even a dead body that didn’t get zombified.

Snafu Dave was great. I hope he’s still alive. I hope The Used is still Dana’s favorite band and Snafu Dave still does art for them and the two have never talked to each other not even once. After a few cons I would meet up with Dave in Las Vegas one time where we pulled a casino heist. I’m not kidding. Though it was more of a confidence game than a heist. Anyway, we found a blackjack dealer who didn’t look at our hands and just paid out as long as we kept letting him talk about Everquest.

This meticulous, artfully done strip by Gina might as well have been a placeholder for any time I did not feel like putting up a strip. Snow is great because you can just look at one lonely flake tumbling like a dainty turd from the heavens and you can just be like “fuck work, time for my hobbies!” At least I can, these days. I’ve had jobs that would have required a doctor’s note to get out of a blizzard.

They stopped numbering the Resident Evil games, right?
LMAO I don’t think he even posted the shit we sent him.
I was a deep puncture wound of a third wheel.


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