Good to get around to a few strips with minimal issues for once! Not going to Otakon, and in general not going to conventions has largely been a good decision. I did hit PAX East in 2011 specifically to try Guild Wars 2 before it was released, and my then-wife cropdusted one of the Penny Arcade guys, so that was a highly worthwhile convention. Otherwise though, I do not miss going to those things AT ALL.
Then it’s on to what at the time was the 400th comic! It’s probably around 375 now when you add up all the unredeemable stuff I skipped up to this point. At this time I was working on my website, which was meant to be some sort of webcomic equivalent to The Hype House, maybe? Anyway, you’ll see Snafu Dave and TCS Wayne, and I’m sad to say I don’t remember the pink haired goth girl. Now the purple haired goth girl… I also do not remember her. They had excellent webcomics, however. I was apparently embracing the art form super hard even though YouTube had just been launched and was ready to obliterate it entirely.
I don’t think the video store ever let me actually do my own Staff Picks shelf. The bastards.
AW crap. Is there another Thanksgiving tomorrow? I hate Thanksgiving. See ya Monday.