Belated Fees

Bad school, bad job. Bad school, bad job. Bad school, bad job.

I think we’re past the point where Harvest has stopped creating new strips. For these last few days it’s going to be mostly me and maybe a guest strip or two.

This is my second favorite Volcano graphic I’ve ever seen. Remembering that the other one exists is a always a delight and could potentially lead to unrelated future content on RIS. Hooray!

Meet Danie. I went ahead and added new characters because at the time, I thought this thing was just going to continue on and I would never grow or mature. It in fact did not continue though I did not grow or mature, so I was half right.

IRL Danie was the unfortunate focus of the last great crush I had on anyone before the dark times. I was so hopelessly into her that when the time came to profess my feelings I did so in the form of a secret Flatliner strip in a hidden directory on the website.

Ultimately, she did not feel the same way and that never went anywhere. I told myself that her judgment could be questioned- she was a huge fan of Final Fantasy VII which is just a wholly unacceptable opinion to have. It never would’ve worked. Case in point, the next person who came along. Love for that game is a huge red flag. Still, she was incredibly fun to work with.

There is a smudge on his glasses
I worked hard on individual faces to make up for the lack of work on anything else
There’s maybe a little shift in Jason’s character after Harvest has virtually left the picture.


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