Happy Birthday to me. We open our final chapter with an absolute slew of strips that probably won’t ever see the light of day again, so what you get today are the first three acceptable strips of the chapter, and somehow they’re not even in the original order.
The story of the removed arc is based on our experience going to a fledgling anime convention at a college in Western Mass. It had some pitfalls and inconveniences at the time that to me seemed pretty meh, but apparently to Harvest were insurmountable offenses. The chapter opened with a series of misogynistic and hateful depictions of real people who were doing their best and not quite yet succeeding. I can’t in good conscience put these back out there.
So we begin our final act by sweeping some crumbs under the rug, a lab coat gag, and the last appearance of Becky that isn’t a self-retconning flashback. There is an image in the final strip that may offend a lot of idiots out there- a female Ghostbuster. Paul Feig eat your heart out. And to all you Ghostbusters fans out there on the internet, a solid middle finger to you. Answer the Call ruled.