It doesn’t get explained anywhere why this guy’s name is Fetus. It’s unrelated to Flatliner and we never touch it. Fetus’ actual first name is Paul and as far as interacting with the old high school crowd, he and I are pretty high up there, in that we like each other’s tweets about once per year.
I tried looking for the web series that Fetus actually appeared in as himself, but twelve seconds of looking didn’t give me the results I was hoping for. Fun that there’s more gun violence and that the bear appears in all three comics!
I believe the steal-the-mayflower story is all Ryan’s work and it’s gorgeous- an improvement over the art that I did for this strip for sure. In real life, every teenager tries to the steal the Mayflower. It’s a rite of passage for those of us with roots in America’s hometown. They don’t even jail you if you get caught- you just have to act as a colonist at the living museum for a while. Try it sometime!