Hoooo, boy. The first few were rough, and played as hard into the trope of what a bad webcomic could be as possible. Take two dudes who think they are funny then add specific video game knowledge to the mix and you get this.
One might think I would stop here. It would be fitting of what Flatliner was to give up early. However, giving up early was not actually what I ever did with Flatliner. In fact, I ran it into the ground so much that I’m still doing it to this day, right now, IN THIS POST.
Here we see something resembling a storyline start to form, where we thought it would be fun to train the villain from one of our favorite video games to scoop ice cream. I especially enjoy that there is an in-panel apology.
Later on in Flatliner’s run, I would divide the comic up into specific chapters/eras. This first chapter was titled “Hell Hath No Funny” and I stand by the re-appropriating of that idiom on the basis that it is not funny, and that female characters are scarce for a while.