What a joyous start to the 2004 strips. Harvest came out with this tidbit of info for no reason at some point and no one in the world let him forget it. I’m not even sure which character specifically that is talking to him. I think it’s Lanny, but it’s actually funnier if we don’t know. It doesn’t matter. Everyone talked about it, a lot.
I apparently went through a dry spell in mid-January, which makes complete sense thinking about my life situation at the time. I’m pretty sure the whole year was weird for me and then also the rest of my life until right now and probably well beyond this moment.
Missed opportunity to just paste the sun from Mario 3. Although, I don’t think we ever once directly used a video game sprite. That makes us an oddity at the time. Maybe even retcons some integrity onto the whole thing? That or we did and I’ve forgotten.