All bad things, too.

Chapter two crashes to an awkward halt!

The appearance of pizza job tells me a lot about what was going on at the time. I had that job for about a month. When I took it on I said I would need 4 days off about a month after I started. I mentioned it several times, they ignored it every time and I never heard from them again after I took those days off anyway. Don’t worry though, I had a good reason- I drove halfway across the country to find out what nerds are like instead of looking into a mirror.

I recall Zelda telling me about intel work she did on Becky’s favorite outfit before drawing her into the comics. In today’s installment, she only bears psychological abuse. I imagine that’s a nice break for her character.

Well, time to move on to chapter 3. Hopefully I can figure out why it’s chapter 3 and chapter 2 didn’t just run longer. I probably won’t.

I have seen Zelda elicit very similar reactions from a great many people over the years.
Pizza job was bad even if there were underwears. Actually pizza job was bad BECAUSE there were underwears.
Really just taking an extra second to rub this in Ryan’s face.


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