Good lord! I was just thinking about how things were changing so rapidly in the previous post. TS Toys, much like its similarly-abbreviated real world counterpart, is going out of business.
It was truly a wonderful place to work for a college student. The pay was garbage, but the responsibilities were nearly non-existent and the closing was handled like a bonfire. It was incredible. I never quite had a workplace that was both this fun and completely unproductive ever again. I tried to bring some of that element to a few places but that place didn’t just take the cake, it hoarded an entire bakery’s worth in a back room filled with an overstock of products that hadn’t been released yet.
The bulimia strip was really something else. Dana made up and regularly wore a t-shirt that read “Anorexia makes girls pretty” so we gave him a barely-exaggerated strip where he’s cruel to his wife. The drawing Harvest did for that fourth panel, truly disgusting. It was the art used for this chapter’s icon back in the gold-team/rated-arr era. It was not far from still being the artwork today.
Please have a healthy relationship with food, everyone. That means not listening to Dana. It also means not attending any family gathering where your relatives will make food front and center. Any of them. That’s what I tell myself, anyway.