261 Transformation Sequences Later…

Good to know that within the span of a week I was watching all of Sailor Moon and going out to a god damned rave. Sometimes when I’m looking back from here, I’m like “I wasn’t so terrible” and then other, most times I’m like “wow I hate my past self.”

There is no story to the rave, though. I didn’t do any cool drugs or meet any interesting people. In fact I did zero drugs and met incredibly uninteresting people. There was no appeal at all for me and I went because two people I barely knew wanted a ride. I probably missed something cool and it was like an all-time great one that people still talk about. I wouldn’t know.

Fortunately, Flatliner is very much like real life and isn’t does a nosedive straight back into dick jokes and all is washed over with the passing of time.

Moon Crystal Power Wake Up is what I’d name a designer drug that you put in your coffee
I think I can still smell the rave sometimes, and it’s been a good while. Harvest is right, here.
He had such a rollercoaster journey one he started dating someone…


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