I don’t wanna grow up, I’m a TS Toys Kid

What a wonderful batch of strips, here. They’re reminding me of the fact that my childhood thoughts were correct- working in a toy store was in fact, pretty awesome.

I guess the official name of the toy store in the comic was TS Toys, which is funnier than most of the strips about the toy store anyway.

Regarding these strips- at all 14,000 retail jobs I held throughout my teens and teen bonus years (21st-century 20’s) someone asked me to “check in the back” for products that were not available. Street dated, sold out, plainly not present when using the store’s inventory system that could be viewed from many screens, it didn’t matter- someone would inevitably ask me to go physically check for something that– there or not– I absolutely must attempt to go lay eyes on.

I should have stolen the shit out of one of those Wind Wakers, though. We for real had that like five whole painful days during which I may have had some rabies-like symptoms developing because I hold them but not have them. Cruelty on the part of corporations at its finest.

The second and third strips are in fact in the order they were published, though clearly reversal would make much more narrative sense. I had actually forgotten how we knew Dave. There used to be a video on YouTube of Harvest absolutely destroying Dave in a friendly fight they put on in a garage. The fight was planned and it was because Dave’s girlfriend was mean to him and he wanted to relieve some stress.

What’s mostly important is that I could be seen- in TS Toys shirt, ponytail and all- effectively cosplaying Flatliner Jason. Sadly the YouTube video is gone. Or at least it’s pretty far down the search even when I use the secret phrase we had to use to find it all those years ago. What a shame. (Not really.)

Amazing that Flatliner continued at all three weeks after this strip.
I actually like this strip, go figure.
I think the ladder is based on a true story. I know for sure that the fire is.


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