Hey everyone! We’re taking a little break from Flatliner today to celebrate the most awesomest movie series in the history of cool shit. You see, a couple of years back a man named George Lucas dusted off the scraps of some unknown movies he made when he was just a kid and reinvigorated them into a little known masterpiece as the Star Wars saga.
Beginning with a corrected draft of each of these films, he was able to make his true vision known to the world. In 1997 he released the spectacle editions. These spectacle editions were a great testing ground, using his mediocre middle phase to really flesh out ideas before going on to make such masterpieces as The Phantom Menace. Did you know that there were more movies, chronicling the life and times of many of these characters? Some of them AREN’T EVEN A BOBA FETT, if you can believe it.
When you’re done saying “Whaaaaaaaaaat?” you can feel free to take a look at some of these rad May the Fourth graphics I made for you. Feel free to save them and upload them to your Livejournals or Tumblrs, I don’t mind!