Trickle Down from the Soda Stream

When this goes up I’m going to reach out to Scott. Well, we’ll see how I’m feeling that day. This 100% happened, maybe more of a confusing mess for Scott than it actually was. We acted like annoying fans before revealing that we were the Flatliner idiots. Real great work there on our part.

For years I genuinely considered a specific set of Sailor Moon tattoos. These days I would only consider them if I had both time and money all at once. Thankfully nothing has changed and as of this writing the only ink I have is for a long dead Guild Wars guild. Don’t worry, I’m eager to get something referencing a long cancelled TV show when I do find said time and money.

The seed for another story arc, the longest one that wraps up this whole chapter is planted in the last strip when The Liquidator appears. He’ll destroy everything about our little world we’ve built here until it gets washed away in a torrent of stupidity. If I were naming the story line today I’d call it “business as usual.”

A classic 100% accurate to what happened strip
I owned those box sets until probably 2019.
Originally titled “All Debts Paid”


Continuity may screech to a deafening halt, but we’ve got rehashes and Perfect Strangers references to fill in the gap. My decision to use a facsimile of the Super Mario 64 font for captioning remains a decision that I would defend. Forgetting to fill in the background of the numbers in “2004” and the gap between Jason’s hair and neck I can not.

At some point I need to detach the fact that Harvest’s character is openly racist and homophobic through and throughout the series. At least he is depicted as such this time and it’s not just some weird injection of homophobic language in a place where it doesn’t even make sense.

I still have a blank white T-Shirt that I brought to that Otakon. Dave, Wildcard, Scott, and others all drew their characters on it. It’s one of a very small number of things that survived the great hoarder ex-wife purge of 2011. Scott was so, so tired. I’m pretty sure he cut down on being a famous webcomics person to instead have twin babies, if I recall correctly. Dumb move, Scott, if you read this. That’s so much more work! You could be doing nothing with your life right now, if only you’d thought ahead like me.

I love that *the* Becky photo is a centerpiece in Zelda’s living room. The real Becky, much like the real Harvest was depicted earlier. This embarrassing photo is all we have of her now. If you know what became of real Becky, please call the I Found Becky hotline- which is to say- email me. Thanks.

You can see I did most of my editing by pasting this strip over last year’s.
Scott was okay with Harvest doing this after we explained who we were.
NER has real financial needs, including a fancy-ass living room for upper level staff!

okay, it ran its course, and then some

Act three, and the month of October are starting off with just a bummer of a page. There’s no humor, no jokes, not even an attempt. We’re just moving the story along like we’re god damned losers or something.

What is pulling off is reminding me of the general awfulness of the minimum wage world. Flynn is dangling a meaningless promotion over Marty that he’s never going to get. I’m not sure why I did that. Flynn is supposed to be a delightful old man, not some sweaty dude bullying the young people who work at Best Buy desperate to keep their health insurance.

When I wrote this I was only very recently out of that world. I was still grotesquely underpaid where I was, but there were a few morsels of dignity that I never would have found, even with all the resources of the mythical Geek Squad at my disposal. Best Buy can go fuck itself, for the record. They do a mental number on their employees that makes the Cirque du Soleil people look like clumsy assholes.

Note: I’m not going to go back and figure out the spelling or accent marks for Cirque du Soleil. No disrespect to those friggen weirdos.

Vigor Mortis

The panning-even-further to the right shows that there is a door there, or at least that one has been added since it was revealed that this living room is just a stage in the middle of the desert several hundred strips ago. In real time that was a full two years. In 2022 time, it was like three months ago.

The bodies have apparently been literally piling up to the left of the door, as well. It took everything I had not to make maps of these fictional-but-sort-of-not locales during the original run. I’m proud of myself for having not done that. I fully acknowledge that for the low bar that it is.

I wonder what time paradox we were eventually going to cover with Harvest both driving the car and throwing his own corpse at it. There was probably a more ambitious story to worry about there. Thankfully it will never be addressed.

I think the last Jason line came from the same discussion about “your hell or mine” from a previous strip. I know that these lines worked great as a punchline but I feel like I was being cruel to my friend. 2004 Jason is awful. 2022 Jason is rarely even called Jason anymore. It’s for the best.

Unionize today if you can!
The smell would be overpowering considering our first deaths were over two years prior
“Throw them at cars” was his first idea.


Here’s our payoff- Marty doesn’t get hangovers because he sleeps through them.

It’s just a short little page to wrap up the act. My earlier note about the watch should come into play here- Marty is not the kind of guy who owns a watch that shows the time at all times. It has to be a calculator first, with a TIME button. It may be that it only shows the time while the button is being actively pressed. Owning and wearing one of these is how you can prove to the world that you are cool.

There is no other way.

Feeling R.L. Fine

I love the first strip. It’s so Harvest, it’s so Gina, it’s also very Ian. Hell, it’s probably very Lanny, too. In fact, I think he’d make that “refreshing” comment exactly were he put in the situation. Great job, everyone! (I was asleep.)

Todd and the Gnome appear, playing an essential part to the story. This is a pretty artistic connecting of the dots, here. The Gnome harkens all the way back to Chapter 1. We’ve even replaced who the devil is at this point, so it’s a pretty deep cut. We’re also going on nearly exactly two years since the gnome appeared in the strip.

I may have actually missed a whole month so great job on the meta-commentary, past me. It’s definitely my first strip in a while. I wonder what I was doing in that time (nothing good, that much we know.)

From Coke Zero to Coke Hero
Holy shit, literally.
Harvest would occasionally show up to your door in crutches, having been hit by a bus or something on the regular.

A Quiet, Dignified Afterlife

The setup and delivery of Ian’s story about becoming the ruler of purgatory is among the best strips, period. The fact that it is set up so far in advance and the payoff is pretty much a throwaway is delightful. Harvest’s exit plan is also great.

Ryan’s love for D&D 3.5 is a nice little pinpoint as to where we are on the timeline. I can’t play… well I can’t run any D&D anymore because I’m too much of a contrarian asshole who doesn’t like the whole vibe. I’m the sort of jackass who has to go and do their own teardown system then do a couple of play tests over the course of decades, then meet my untimely death before ever putting out a completed version. Fortunately if that happens, I can reflect back on these strips to adjust the afterlife as needed.

I remember Harvest took that last line as cruel, and I think I said it. I didn’t intend it to be a dig, and I always kind of felt bad that he took it personally. Then again, I’m pretty sure he made the strip. The difference in font choices, while annoying 20 years ago, really helps me sort what is what today- thereby allowing me to narrowly escape blame. Hooray!

This holds up more than the majority of the strips.
A nice splash of color here.
Zelda is way too much of a consistent character to be re-using her sprite as a generic angel here.

I can hear the coffee purgolating.

Well, if I had told you that I’d be editing a strip from ’04, renaming a street “Turd St,” and then re-uploading with the file name turdgatory.jpg, I assume that you, my good friend and reader, would ask why I hadn’t got around to doing this sooner.

The direct homage to Jason X is as timeless now as it was then- in that it’s not a reference I would ever expect anyone to get. Is it Jason X, or Freddy vs. Jason? I can’t remember. This was back before reboots so everything just built up off ridiculous continuity no matter how convoluted. I sort of miss those days. How many Halloween 3’s are there now? I don’t care.

So this story runs back much, much further than I thought.
Another long one. Whoops.

uh, those first few notes before lyrics

The whole point of what is here is just a prolonged setup to a single-beat joke. This is all confidence-building, leading to an abrupt turnaround. Marty insists that he’s immune to hangovers. He is, in a sense, but not in any way that would ever be helpful to him.

It does actually improve upon it with the schedule at which I’m posting the pages. This scene should play out just long enough that we accept what Marty says as accurate. He double-fisted whiskey at a disgusting pace and woke up feeling absolutely terrific. The world seems to be warping itself to align with the good vibe Marty wants to put out.

If only we could all slam what is effectively a bottle of whiskey by ourselves and be this way the next morning! Anyway, I feel like we see Marty go to bed another time before this episode comes to a close. I really don’t remember a ton of what’s coming in the remaining pages, so it ought to be interesting.

The Inevitable Charge Gleefully Toward Death

This storyline started with the one with Ryan and Lanny standing around in some part of the afterlife and then picked up its own whirling steam until it became a full confusion tornado for all of us. You don’t see me whipping around using my signature sans serif anywhere.

Unlike this modern age, these strips were posted 2-3 times a week instead of three per day. This means that in the even more boring of Frequency where I’m talking to my past self, I was on a two week vacation at this point. I don’t remember what I set out to do way back when but you can rest assured there were no long term benefits from having had it. I was probably just reading comics. I don’t think I had descended into my frothing, get-a-tattoo-of-your-guild-tag obsession with Guild Wars yet. But that was coming.

If I recall even partially correctly, we’ll see soon that Ian has become some kind of a revolutionary in purgatory soon.

“I wish all stores would put up multiple rows of dollar signs to indicate that being there costs money.” – Harvest Harvey, ’04

A The Strokes of genius. I think The Strokes was a music Dana would wear. If not, this is a caption and no one cares.
This is still how he’d react to Tekken 5 screen shots, despite it having been available for over 15 years.
So Gina did shoot him between panels.