On television, cabbies will help you be trash

Marty and Chip finally cross paths again, but Marty is in the heat of the moment of being wildly problematic. Marty was not written to be a person who sees reason, but his unhealthy infatuation sends him barreling across a line. Todd wants off. This has to lead to Marty getting Chip fired from a second job, right? Right.

As I said, I genuinely don’t remember how the third act plays out. This whole thing is the setup to a format, though not one that is on display here. The story has to do the sitcom thing of rapidly setting up a new status quo, then experimenting with breaking that format down the road.

I’m having vague recollections of scenes- ones that may or not have ever been written for these characters. If they don’t show up in the next handful of pages, they most assuredly were not. Maybe I should flesh them out as some kind of bonus feature? Would that matter to you, no one?

Best read by candlelight

What a wild week in Flatliner world this was at the very end of 2004. We get a new character in Rick’s cousin who was a real person that I had a massive crush on. At least it milks the pirate joke again. That is the one enduring legacy of Flatliner- its love for this awful joke.

Then we get a strip from Gina with a totally new art style! I love it. I wish I could work within that style, but I don’t have the skill and I wasn’t going to learn how to work with it. The Jason drawing is great and updates him to my look at the time, which is largely unchanged except closer to death now. That it takes place in a chain bar from our mall is appropriate but also sad. We don’t ever get to see her rendition of Harvest.

Tom returns for the first time in over a million strips. He did not like this strip due to real life accuracies we didn’t know about. I think I took it down at the time? Is it rude to post it again, now? No. I’ll pull strips with racist or homophobic humor, or ones that just weren’t good enough to go up then, let alone now but for a relationship that was so notoriously lopsided, bordering on abusive 20 years ago it passes all my checks. Maybe the shotgun is a little much. I think they’re still together and happy now.

Good thing nobody reads this site.

If you’re reading this, Rick’s cousin, and you are fortunately divorced or something, HMU
Imagine a world where Flatliner looked good
It was called like it was sawn off

(It’s all right)

Mandy takes everyone at their word, so Marty is actually a mailbox as far as she’s concerned. In this reality, it’s not super far-fetched since every puppet has Pinocchio syndrome. Who is to say that someone hadn’t vandalized a mailbox or two with googly eyes, qualifying them as puppets? I played fast and loose with the rules on this because an opportunity to do something completely off the wall might happen at any time.

Todd needs something to him as more than a straight man to Marty’s chaotic vibe. Not right away, this was written as a TV show. It’s far more important to ask why I thought I needed to write this. I know the answer- and that is that without a creative outlet, I would die. That’s the whole purpose of this site, honestly. I know that absolutely no one reads it, but making it quells the urge just a little bit. We can count playing Smash Bros as creative output, right?

Well, it’s October for you. I’m so far ahead on this thing that it’s August for me. Maybe I’ll find some kind of audience before then. Hah!

I should have updated the shirt.

I do a week’s worth of posts before 9 AM than most people do all day. I also in 2004 did more lazy comics before Noon AM than most people did ever. I did not get up as early as I do now back then.

Gina was never “caught up” the way I was with Harvest’s chaotic personality. She was always learning new stuff because she met him after high school and I met him in 9th grade. He could say something that sounded mouth-frothing-ly insane to most people and it would roll off my shoulders like it was a completely normal statement. I probably did the same to him on many occasions.

I love the third strip. That is me recycling one of the best strips ever but pasting over this new character, Rick, on top of the old strip. Rick was a dedicated Flatliner reader who I had never met before I got a job where he was my coworker. He was pumped to meet me, and also to be featured in the strip eventually. I gave him this, which was cruel. Also, I didn’t even draw the monstrous person to be him originally. It’s a reworking of a single frame I drew for Tetris the Movie 3 in MS Paint. I don’t know if he knew that.

I definitely stopped more than a few revelations that Gina had had about Harvest in this way.
I think Jess was doing better (any) drugs than I was
Repetition is the funniest form of comedy

Prescient Moments Figurines

I think we’re referencing Four Swords Adventures in one of these strips. What a delightful game for people who had a lot of gaming equipment AND a lot of friends. Both of those guys would have been extremely happy if there were two more guys just like them. Of course it was the most fun game that year.

The notion that Hitler is just alive and around, running for office would be hilarious if we weren’t living in times where that seems like it could be a reality at any possible second.

I like Jason’s little out-loud affirmation of his situation. As the strip has gone on we see Harvest really get deep into the persona of an impervious hyperactive ball of anger, which he was and presumably still is, and Jason just kind of get tired and just trudge through other people’s over-invented scenarios that no one should ever have to be in, which I do.

Prescient. Nothing but prescience here.

That weird “between” moment is great.
Was Ryan just a staff writer at this point? I’d say it’s safe to say that retroactively, yes he was.
I vote a LOT these days. Like, all the time.

It takes everything you’ve got

Ryan’s afterlife offshoot continues, while this other, far more confusing offshoot gets skipped again. It’s weird. I have the vaguest fleeting memories of this thing that features none of the Flatliner characters but is very much in the Flatliner style and I can’t remember who or what the hell they are. No disrespect to them, they contributed to the strip several times. I just don’t know them.

It’s like it’s The Tortellis of Flatliner, if you wanted me to explain the situation to literally only me. Except in this case the titular Tortellis didn’t spin off from Cheers at all and you’re supposed to root for these characters you don’t know at all? I’m down with this situation if Flatliner is Cheers, those strips are The Tortellis and Rad Internet Site is my Frasier moment. Am I Frasiering? Is that even a good thing?

Ryan channeled a Weird Al lyric here.
Leaving people in a pool of blood is just a societal norm in Flatliner world
We were in our 20’s.

Just in time to see the bus fly by

Todd sees through Marty’s nonsense immediately, only to get a new kind of nonsense from him moments later. Marty is completely fear-stricken seeing Mandy outside the sandwich shop. I think we’re about to peer into how Mandy works a little bit. I can’t be too certain as I remember the opening pages much, much better than the 3rd act.

I can’t believe I both designated Max’s Arcade and Flynn’s sandiwch shop but I dropped the ball on reversing it to Flynn’s Arcade and The Max in order to heavily imply that all of this is happening in the universes of Tron and Saved By the Bell. What a calamitous mistake I made!

P-Rock used rest. It’s super effective!

There’s a few strips in the archive that I don’t know what to do with. There’s only about 3 of them total, and over the course of the last 20 years, I’ve lost the frame of reference. I genuinely don’t remember who these characters are supposed to be, and why they have no connection to me at all.

It’s strange, as that is probably how most people feel reading Flatliner. I shouldn’t feel that way, though? Right? It is a comic that was meant to keep track of my own inside jokes. If it didn’t do that, then it fails? I don’t know- there may be an apocrypha collection for some of the less offensive strips, if they can be edited into something comprehensible.

Today we have the second Plymouth Rock strip. I definitely named a Geodude or two things like 1620 or PlyRock back in the day. Geodude is the most hilarious Pokemon. I should have referenced him in the strip.

This also has the one and only appearance of Dan. Dan is a hilarious human being who can boil anything down to just the fun parts and make everything else disappear. However, even admitting the slightest lack of knowledge of Symphony of the Night would set his internal rage alight. You were supposed to know that shit, at all times.

Ryan is in heaven, investigating the loose ends left over from the Death of Harvest of story arc. He’s on brand.

Rare candy
He would destroy what he loved if it meant that more people could love it.
This is much funnier when you hear Ryan’s voice in your head.

How do you solve a problem like Marty?

Marty revisits the happy-go-lucky scene from before work and tells it as a series of calamities to Todd. The truth almost certainly lies closer to his description than what we would have seen earlier. Marty is an oblivious asshole and incredibly self-serving. While there is a lot of Perfect Strangers in the original concept (but definitely not this script) he is probably less self-serving than Cousin Larry.

I don’t think I wrote any kind of origin story for Todd and Marty. I’m not sure how long they’ve been friends, or why Todd continues to be Marty’s friend after being around him for more than a few minutes. It absolutely must have been a bond formed at a young age. That’s the only way someone could weather a person like Marty, I think. If as an adult you met a Marty, he’d be lucky if you walked away without kicking his ass after any encounter.

Marty himself, as we have seen, was violently thrown off a bus due to his obnoxious and intolerant ways in the opening pages. He very much deserved it, too.

The Blue Plague

Well, the Game Boy Advance SP was out, so it was a miracle we got any strips released. That was a game changer for handheld systems, despite the whipping-out of money required that we did not really have the capability of doing. Still, I’d find a way. Then I’d find a way to own more than one. And a Game Boy Micro. I didn’t have a problem, you had a problem.

I opted out of a couple strips to get here, and shifted a little for continuity’s sake. You’re not missing much- targeted takedowns of specific people. One was about a person we know couldn’t speak without using a specific slur, and there was just going to be no way to make sense of it without dropping the same slur about 40 times. He was generally speaking an awful person, and his presence doesn’t need to be here. Another one was a more lighthearted but still highly specific takedown of someone no one, not even a passerby in Flatliner, has seen or spoken to in like 15 years. I won’t be tracking him down to show him his glorious return.

This is not good. It is a strip I made.
This strip is good, so it stands to reason that it’s more likely Zelda made it than I.
Harvest never liked being the last person to get in on what was trending. Mostly because we made it annoying for him.