
Oh, the blackest of Fridays. How many years in retail hell did I work hocking the crap that made each Black Friday the darkest yet? It would go on long after Flatliner. The Black Fridays, the Christmas Day shifts, the endless abuse for an amount of dollars with no survivability.

It is this country’s worst industry even at this time when our lowest paid workers are shifting away from “being able to talk to people about a product” to “Amazon warehouse pre-corpses.” Do your poorest neighbors a favor and don’t buy anything tangible for anyone you know between Thanksgiving and the 23rd century. Give those poor workers a break.

I don’t know/remember who Nicki is/was, other than Mitch harassed her to vote for Flatliner in an online poll. As our presumable sole voter, and also a lapsed voter, it was up to Mitch to rectify that. She appears in a strip, and Mitch gets to kill his old sprite and take on a better looking form. It’s beautiful.

There were worse versions of this ritual to come for me.
Dear Dave and Wayne, you are not forgotten except for most of the time. Miss you guys!
Live by the sword, die by the laser vision

Tin du cinema

I’d wager a guess and say “Mandela effect for Flatliner” was never going to be on my bingo card for this ride. I guess it was “Tooled!” and not “Fooled!” though I suppose they both work in that one didn’t happen and one isn’t a thing. Tooled. Tooled? Were people saying that? Was it some kind of slang at the time? Lost to the ages, is what it is.

Keeping with the running theme, goodbye to the most homophobic strip of the entire run so far, but come-on-through for the most “Harvest abuses his girlfriend” strip thus far. How I drew this line I’m not entirely sure but here I am.

Did Ryan do a lot of drugs? Was I missing out on some good pills or something? I’m not great with subtlety and I’m starting to think he lived in a much-blessed altered state, seeing his strips in the rapid fire way which I am now doing.

Men on the road with a load to tote

This is a pretty wild ride for a single page of script. We flash back to a young Marty being abused by his manic ventriloquist father. We cut back to present day and Todd has to distance himself from Marty while still getting blamed for Marty’s nonsense, and we get our first glimpse of Flynn’s sandwich shop.

I love that Randall is just straight up gleeful in the terrorizing of his son. He’s not doing it to make his son behave a certain way, he’s not doing it to get anything. He’s just that much of an asshole that this is fun for him. This might be the last we see of Randall in the one episode. Now that I’ve said that, I’m sure that in a page or two I will prove myself wrong, as is the way here.

The sandwich shop is in absolute disarray. I imagine this being extremely cartoon-like. The “no ketchup” in ketchup lettering I particularly enjoy.

The number that is hilarious

Haha, Flatliner post #69! This is where all the hilarity lies, just you wait and see.

To celebrate, let’s give you Becky’s sad existential crisis, the bear killing Jake again, and a bit we did both in the strip and real life that fooled no one. One more skip today, putting us close to double digits. In fact, may be double digits, I’ve lost count. The good news is that the collective we has lost nothing.

Actually, the strip in question is salvageable. Maybe there’s room for some edited apocrypha after the run here ends. I’d like to think I’ll move on to the some new projects, and anticipate that words will make their way into documents sooner, rather than later. For now, Flatliner remains a safe haven where I can do very little work and still feel like I’ve made some progress.

I don’t think there’s anything racially charged in the last strip, though with Harvest’s affluent white teen world-view, you never know. Todd wasn’t a real person, and I wasn’t replaced. I believe we told people that Flatliner worked like Menudo, replacing the principal characters as they aged out. No one bought it.

Folks in a town that was quite remote

Ah yes, that time where I came dangerously close to pulling a Tarantino. The setup here is for the anti-delivery (thank God).

Marty’s genius plan involves doing absolutely nothing and living with the consequences of his actions, and he comes off looking worse for that. His repulsiveness is shining here. Did I think anyone would come back and root for him? I can’t be sure.

We get a healthy dosage of slurs for puppets on this page, though there was no shortage of them on any of the previous pages, either.

My personal fondness for puppets grows consistently, though I think I strongly prefer to see them on screen more than I do in person. In person the only reassurance a puppet can offer is that you are not the weirdest thing in that room. Puppets are by their very nature incredibly weird. My cats certainly want to kill one when they see one. Arguably, they are cats and want to kill most things, but the fact remains.

Don’t worry, the Bullseye film is coming

What a dump (of strips)!

The Magic: The Gathering thing did go on for one more strip, only to emphasize the complete lack of payoff. It goes so far as to remind you, the reader that you are wasting your time here. It’s not as bad now at the three-strips-a-day pace, but back then those six days Dave mentions are real days. This is the content that seemed reasonable to make at the time.

We also reach a complete apex. Harvest’s absolute best strip, and Flatliner’s most iconic sits in the middle. The Ugly Room lives and exists forever in my heart, having made its way as a placeholder graphic on so very many projects and message board avatars. I certainly hope he wasn’t ripping something else off that I never knew about. I was too afraid to ask.

Then there’s a strip that I’m assuming is about the 2003 film Daredevil. While the film was bad when it came out you also can’t say it aged well, either. You might say it fermented well and went from bad to laughably bad. It did leave its own forever marks on pop culture, even if we don’t think about them all the time (stupid MCU, helping us forget this train wreck.)

The walk-in joke in panel 2 is better than the punchline.
In all of its glory
The first panel is the best one.

Land Cards Ho!

Where did the cigarette go? Someone has to hold the artist accountable for the small details, here. Jason was clearly smoking a cigarette the last time he was depicted wearing a lab coat, and I won’t stand for him to be wearing a lab coat while not smoking a cigarette.

I, thankfully all these years later still have no idea how babies are made. I believe Harvest does. Should we ever reunite, maybe I will ask him.

Even though there’s a setup, and a flashback justifying the setup, I don’t think there is a punchline, making the whole story that much better and even more pointless. The commitment to the Neopets card game was largely a snap-back against the constant whirl of information I was receiving about Magic: The Gathering and Yu-Gi-Oh! cards.

I later (many years later) would learn how to play Magic: The Gathering. But, I don’t remember how now, and that’s what’s important. I think I liked mill decks, if you were wondering what kind of player I was. I think I played the blue guys. Are there blue guys?

I recall being proud of the sitting position and that it opened up WORLDS of possibility when I could draw it.
I only lived at Dave’s for one semester of college. Based on my grades and the number of strips, I only made comics during that time.
I still have trouble staying interested in M:tG, no matter how much I fake it.

261 Transformation Sequences Later…

Good to know that within the span of a week I was watching all of Sailor Moon and going out to a god damned rave. Sometimes when I’m looking back from here, I’m like “I wasn’t so terrible” and then other, most times I’m like “wow I hate my past self.”

There is no story to the rave, though. I didn’t do any cool drugs or meet any interesting people. In fact I did zero drugs and met incredibly uninteresting people. There was no appeal at all for me and I went because two people I barely knew wanted a ride. I probably missed something cool and it was like an all-time great one that people still talk about. I wouldn’t know.

Fortunately, Flatliner is very much like real life and isn’t does a nosedive straight back into dick jokes and all is washed over with the passing of time.

Moon Crystal Power Wake Up is what I’d name a designer drug that you put in your coffee
I think I can still smell the rave sometimes, and it’s been a good while. Harvest is right, here.
He had such a rollercoaster journey one he started dating someone…

I have a plan. I have an idea.

As has become the custom here on Rad Internet Site, I have immediately disproven myself and would have been better off if I’d just read ahead. Also I wrote this stuff, shouldn’t I remember? Well, I don’t.

Literally the first line of this page contradicts what I was mentioning in the last post. I guess the people of this society did figure out when and where the ground-zero was for puppet sentience, but couldn’t quite figure out the why. It’s not supposed to be mportant, and I feel relatively more sure that I did not dig into that At least not yet or anywhere in this script.

It isn’t the Marty thing where Susie as a lonely young child is a loser. I mean, she might be a loser but that’s not why her birthday wish came true.

I can’t say for sure what made me decide that Todd is African American, but there it is. Todd is Marty’s opposite in a lot of ways. He’s successful, calm, and reacts to things like a well adjusted person.

There’s a chance that I wanted to show that Marty isn’t truly racist, but there’s a much better chance that I was just referencing the Flatliner character Todd who appeared briefly as my counterpart’s replacement when I turned 20 and we lied to people that Flatliner had Menudo rules. Twenty, huh? We were so young.

Flynn’s being the name of the sandwich shop is inarguably an homage to Tron. I don’t have any missing memories on that one.

There’s a coded message and it’s dumb

Did I get a week off for good behavior or something? Gina showed up and made two strips right away. Her crew doesn’t make a a lot more appearances. Harvest’s face appears in photo form as well. The poor cats in these strips can’t catch a break, either.

I don’t understand why Ryan isn’t a YouTuber to this day. This seems like a mistake. Maybe he is and I’m unaware. Also his art style is super distinct (better) and he should have been publishing his own strip regularly. Not me. Definitely not me on a week where I was letting others do all the heavy lifting anyway.

Art school kids, right?
Animal cruelty isn’t a joke, but neither are most of the comics I publish here.
Ryan is a walking Adult Swim cartoon