Where did the cigarette go? Someone has to hold the artist accountable for the small details, here. Jason was clearly smoking a cigarette the last time he was depicted wearing a lab coat, and I won’t stand for him to be wearing a lab coat while not smoking a cigarette.
I, thankfully all these years later still have no idea how babies are made. I believe Harvest does. Should we ever reunite, maybe I will ask him.
Even though there’s a setup, and a flashback justifying the setup, I don’t think there is a punchline, making the whole story that much better and even more pointless. The commitment to the Neopets card game was largely a snap-back against the constant whirl of information I was receiving about Magic: The Gathering and Yu-Gi-Oh! cards.
I later (many years later) would learn how to play Magic: The Gathering. But, I don’t remember how now, and that’s what’s important. I think I liked mill decks, if you were wondering what kind of player I was. I think I played the blue guys. Are there blue guys?