One last blast of continuity before the chapter ends. My dude doesn’t look very good standing in front of that wall with that shirt.
We see where Dana’s music career is going in the second strip. He was part of The Scorched Earth Policy, which hadn’t yet changed their name, and he was in Tremont, which also hadn’t changed their name yet. I can’t even remember both name changes at this point. One was called Kite Factory it was the best of the bunch. Several of their songs didn’t sound like screaming.
I think that one of my absolute favorite things that ever happened because of Flatliner was that Dana did print up the sprite of Erin and frame it as a full photograph. That was really one of the best bits he ever did.
Today is July 14th (no it isn’t, I’m a liar. I am typing this soooo far in advance), and we’re coming up on the last two strips before we move on to Chapter 3. I’ll be adjusting the posting schedule a little bit, but there will still be a lot of Flatliner coming forth. The next two strips will post tomorrow, and Chapter 3 will begin after taking a week off for no discernible reason. Onward and downward.